Report an Absence
Parents are encouraged to use our online system to excuse students from school. Please use the resources below to learn how to use the online attendance system.
Attendance Line
Call the 24-Hour Attendance Line 952-848-3702 with the following information:
- Student's name
- Student's grade
- Student's teacher
- Date of the absence
- Reason for absence
- Your name and relationship to the student
Attendance note to parents:
Attendance Policy
The purpose of the South View Middle School Attendance Policy reflects our desire to have each student attend all classes and arrive on time. Students and parents should familiarize themselves with the provisions and procedures of the policy in the Student Handbook. We expect parents/guardians to support the intent of the policy, and encourage their children to have good attendance.
Students are expected to be in their classrooms seated and ready to begin learning on time for each class. After the start of the school day, the main office will only excuse absences for students who have notes from parents/guardians or who were in the office on “official” business. We are required to track tardies, as well as absences, to comply with Minnesota statutes. Please understand that with a student body of approximately 1,200 students, well-managed attendance procedures are very important to minimize classroom interruptions and provide the best learning conditions for all students.
Planned Absences
For upcoming planned absences (travel, non-school events, personal matters), please fill out the Planned Absence Form at least 5 days in advance of the absence to be counted as excused. Illness, medical, religious and funeral absences do not require the Planned Absence Form.
The State of Minnesota and the Edina Public Schools recognize the absences below as Excused:
- Illness
- Medical/Dental/Ortho...
- Religious Activity
- I/S/S - O/S/S
- Dismissal
- Family Emergency
- School Activity
- Vacation
- Other
- Legal
- Funeral
Excessive tardiness or truancy may result in a petition to be filed with Hennepin County court. Unexcused absences include:
- Late to school - tardy
- Missing the bus
- Truancy
- School Office not aware of absence
- Parent not aware of absence